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Resources for Branded Caller ID

Resources on Branded Communications
About the latest layer of caller identity technology (rich call data), what it is, what it can do, and how you can use it.
Numeracle Smart Branding Banner

What Is Rich Call Data?

Rich Call Data (RCD) are branded asset elements that you can add on to calling campaigns after numbers have been cleaned to add another layer of identity verification and to elevate your calls.

Subject to device, carrier, and solution, there are different branded elements that you are able to add and manage for different campaigns.

Helps achieve instant recognition that reinforces trust in your brand
Increase conversion rates and sales efficiency
The most widely available data field to present is Caller Name
Rich Call Data (RCD) layers of a branded call (subject to device and solution) featuring a real screenshot of a Numeracle Smart Branded Call to an Android Device on the AT&T network

The History of Rich Call Data

Rich Call Data Timeline Graphic

Benefits of Branded Caller ID

Branded calling not only fosters trust but also creates a memorable customer experience, where interactions are infused with a sense of authenticity and recognition, elevating the overall experience.

Reduce Cost & 
Increase Contact Rates

Whether you're a bank trying to reach a customer about suspicious card activity, a university reaching out about student onboarding, or a pharmacy contacting patients about their prescription, ensure your calls are answered, reduce the number of missed appointments, and prevent missed opportunities.

Personalize & Protect
Your Brand

Enhance your relationship with your customers and called parties by restoring trust in your brand with the recognition of your brand alongside the addition of tailored call reasons. Maintain control over how your company is represented and kept up-to-date via branded calling.

iPhone mockup

Landline Display

Landlines cannot display rich call data elements such as logos but they do allow for Caller name information sourced from a CNAM database by the terminating carrier.

Stand Out With
Mobile Display

Call presentation to mobile devices depends on the device, downloaded applications, and subscriber network. The percentage of this influence is based on the third-party branding partner for the wireless carrier, mobile application, and device.

How Does Rich Call Data Work?

There are two pathways that are able to extend a branded presence based on today's technologies.

The first is "Out-of-Band," which allows for the addition of rich call data elements such as logo and call reason to be added via a branded calling solution provider at an app or network level.

The second pathway is via STIR/SHAKEN, which can associate verified branded calling elements for display on a called party's device via RCD PASSporT.

Out-of-Band versus STIR/SHAKEN Solutions Flow chart

Branded Calling Proof of Concept

Proof of Concept including Numeracle, NetNumber, Comcast, Twilio and Everbridge to present RCD data for branded calling solutions

STIR/SHAKEN Proof of Concept

Comcast, Everbridge, NetNumber, Numeracle, and Twilio demonstrated the first-ever telephone call with authenticated caller ID and rich call data, powered by the STIR/SHAKEN framework and protocols.

Using RCD PASSporT technology, this marked a milestone in protecting consumers from fraudulent robocalls and building greater trust and transparency for phone users.

View The Press Release
Verified Calls by Google Proof of Concept with Numeracle and Avantive Solutions

Out-of-Band Proof of Concept

Numeracle and Avantive Solutions Help Businesses Achieve Instant Brand Recognition with Verified Calls by Google

A collaborative success of a partner initiative between Numeracle, Avantive Solutions, and Google to enhance customer engagement and performance of outbound business calls utilizing Verified Calls by Google.

View The Press Release

Additional Resources for Branded Communications

Blog Post
6 min read

The Values & Limitations of Branded Calling

Read Blog Post
Oct 17, 2023

The Do's and Don'ts of Branded Calling for Enterprises

Listen To Podcast
It starts with an insight
Ready to take control of how your identity is presented to consumers? 
Are you curious about how your calls are being labeled? Maybe you know you have a problem and don't know where to start?

Contact us today and take the first step towards high quality and trusted connections.