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Numeracle Case Studies,
Whitepapers, Guides, & RFPs

Gain access to the data-driven insights you need to see what's possible for your business when you partner with Numeracle's solution.
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Title page; "A New Era for Caller ID" Consumer Research Report by NumeracleNumeracle Consumer Research Study Data
Consumer Research Report
A New Era for Caller ID

Despite efforts to provide more trusted information via caller ID, consumers still lack confidence in the accuracy of the information given.

How can trust be restored in the minds of consumers when it comes to caller ID information? How is this lack of trust impacting your business?

Solution Case Study
Improving OutreachSuccess by RemediatingNegative Call Labels

We analyzed phone number performance, spam labeling trends and successful remediations since 2022—see how improving number reputation on our platform can impact your contact rates.

Numeracle 2023 Branded Calling Case Study Cover Page
Partner Case Study
Branded Calling Strategy in the Customer Journey

Answering a series of problem statements on the common misconceptions of branded calling in the market to decipher the best approach to branding calls for maximum return on investment and customer impact.

Numeracle Client Case Study
Client Case Study
Improving Contact Rates through Verification & Registration

With support of one of our BPO partners, we measure live connect rates of 3 clients 90 days pre- & post- Verified Identity™ certification and phone number registration.

Thumbnail/Cover Image - Numeracle's Call Labeling Mitigation for Telesales KPIs Case Study
Client Case Study
Best Dialing Practices & Call Labeling Mitigation to Improve Telesales KPIs

We demonstrate the need for actionable data for preserving the use of the voice channel. Best dialing practices were added to call labeling mitigation to improve sales per hour by 33%.

Cover Image/Thumbnail - Numeracle's Remediation Case Study
Solution Case Study
Removing Scam and Spam Labels' Impact to Call Delivery

We analyzed monthly and yearly status reports of phone numbers registered with our Identity Management Platform and the number of successful remediations conducted in 2021 and 2022 for comparison to contact rates before and after improving number reputation with our remediation services.

Thumbnail/Cover Image - Numeracle's 2021 Branded Calling Case Study
Partner Case Study
Branded Calling Using Rich Call Data (RCD) - 2021 Study

Partnering with Avantive Solutions, this 2021 case study highlights the benefits of adding rich call data to branded calling campaigns, keeping in mind that the market was still at an early-adoption phase at the time of the study.

Thumbnail/Cover Image - Numeracle's Benchmark Report
Client Case Study
Collections Industry Caller Reputation Benchmark Report

With participation from 5 CRC member collection agencies, we provide statistics on the average percentage of phone numbers labeled as 'Scam' and 'Spam' by call labeling analytics.

Thumbnail/Cover Image - MDS and Numeracle Case Study
Partner Case Study
Non-Profit Fundraising with Call Reputation

Partnering with MDS Communications, this case study showcases how fundraising campaigns can increase connect and response rates through Verified Identify & Phone Number Reputation.

"Revolutionizing Retail Communications" A Whitepaper by Numeracle
Retail whitepaper
Revolutionizing Retail Communications

How focusing on the delivery and presentation of  phone calls allows retailers to revolutionize customer experience and engagement, make staffing easy in preparation for the holiday season, and enhance brand identity in a way competitors aren’t.

Thumbnail/Cover Image - Numeracle's Call Blocking and Labeling Whitepaper
Industry White Paper
Understanding Call Blocking and Labeling

An overview of call blocking and labeling's impact to call centers and legal call originators who use the voice channel to engage in customer communications.

Numeracle Handout - Solving the Top 5 Challenges in PX
Healthcare White Paper
Solving the Top 5 Challenges in PX

Transform how you care with patient-centric communications. Providers can use this as a roadmap to revolutionize their contact solutions while fostering patient trust and improving operational efficiencies.  

Thumbnail/Cover Image - Numeracle's Dialing Best Practices Whitepaper
Industry White Paper
Building a Successful Customer-Centric Outreach Strategy

Discover which dialing practices to avoid in order to protect your calls from improper call labeling events and how to elevate your dialing strategy with an end-to-end outreach strategy utilizing Verified Identity status and reputation management.

Thumbnail/Cover Image - Numeracle and YouMail's Identity Spoofing Whitepaper
Partner Whitepaper
Protecting Communications from Identity Spoofing

Partnering with YouMail Protective Services, this industry whitepaper interprets the potential consumer harm caused by illegal call and brand spoofing and how to solve for it.

Thumbnail/Cover Image - Numeracle's Call Record Review for KYC and Fraud Mitigation Whitepaper
KYC Whitepaper
Call Record Review for KYC and Fraud Mitigation

This whitepaper outlines how and when analysis of call records may be used for a Know Your Customer (KYC) or fraud mitigation program to identify & mitigate high-volume call campaigns potentially seeking to defraud call recipients.

Evaluating the Right Branded Calling Solution and Provider - Template RFP Cover
Template RFP
Evaluating the Right Branded Calling Solution and Provider

Utilize this RFP template when evaluating potential Branded Calling Solution Providers, armed with all the right questions you should be asking them.

Thumbnail/Cover Image - Numeracle's Model Standards for Know Your Customer (KYC) Guide
Implementation Guide
Model Standards for Know Your Customer (KYC)

Our Know Your Customer (KYC) guide provides a framework for communications service providers and communicating end entities to consider when adopting internal standards for reasonable KYC review.

Thumbnail/Cover Image - Numeracle's Know Your Customer (KYC) Fundamentals for Communications Service Providers
implementation Guide
KYC Fundamentals for Communications Service Providers

This guide is intended to assist communications service providers developing the processes and procedures to know their customers and conduct meaningful customer due diligence.

Implementing KYC on your Network or Platform. By Numeracle and Aegis Mobile
Resource Guide
Implementing KYC on Your Network or Platform

Numeracle and Aegis Mobile's comprehensive implementation guide for identity verification and monitoring for communications in support of the call authentication framework. This document was introduced at the 2020 SIPNOC event, hosted by the SIP Forum.

It starts with an insight
Ready to take control of how your identity is presented to consumers? 
Are you curious about how your calls are being labeled? Maybe you know you have a problem and don't know where to start?

Contact us today and take the first step towards high quality and trusted connections.