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November 21, 2022

Canadian Number Support

Reputation & Remediation in the U.S.

Customer Communications

Supporting Canadian Numbers

Dialing from Canada into the U.S.? Registration is now open for Canadian phone numbers, along with our ability to submit any mislabeling for remediation that occurs on these numbers for review in the new Remediation Report.

To load Canadian Numbers in the portal, follow the steps below:

  • Create a new* Number Profile in the Number Management Section of the portal.
  • When creating that profile, select Canada in the country field, and move through loading the numbers as you always have.

*Canadian numbers are required to be in a separate profile.

Please note: while the portal currently displays phone numbers in 10-digit format (example: 8336690949), with the inclusion of Canadian numbers, the portal will now display numbers in E.164 format (example: +18336690949).

Questions? Reach out to us:

Numeracle Support


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