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Restore Consumer Trust in Caller ID

Secure Verified Identity Presentation (sVIP)

The Most Secure & Trusted Branded Calling Ecosystem
Standards Based End-to-End Security
Prevents Identity Fraud & Illegal Call Spoofing
Available now for Originating Service Providers
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Real sVIP Numeracle Screenshots
Secure Verified Identity Presentation by Numeracle

The First Provider to Offer the Most Secure Branded Calling

The BCID by CTIA ecosystem with Numeracle as Vetting & Onboarding Partners Graphic

Do consumers trust caller ID?

When it's so easy for bad actors to illegally impersonate brand names and phone numbers, how can trust be restored in caller ID?

One way, is through sVIP.
70% of consumers - graphic
70% of consumers reported missing important or wanted calls because they didn’t trust the caller ID.
20% of consumers - graphic
Less than 20% of surveyed consumers believe that caller ID information is trustworthy.
of consumers believe that caller ID information is usually inaccurate, so they don't answer the phone call.
of identity fraud, like caller ID impersonation, represents 40% of all phone call scams, and you may be vulnerable.  
Numeracle sVIP call on Motorola device real screenshot
This is a real screenshot of a real sVIP call.
Available for Originating Service Providers

Restore Security and Trust to Branded Calls

Numeracle is among the first Authorized Partners to offer CTIA's Branded Calling ID Solution™ (BCID™) via our Secure Verified Identity Presentation (sVIP) solution, operating as a vetting and onboarding agent.

BCID is the only industry-led, standards-based Rich Call Data (RCD) ecosystem engineered to be secure-by-design and to deliver trusted, branded calls nationwide for enterprise businesses, available now for originating service providers.
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sVIP branded layers and stats for brand affinity

Ready to Deliver the Most Secure Calls?

Join us for a free demo to learn how Numeracle helps you protect your customers and deliver the most secure calling identity available.

Numeracle needs the contact information you provide to us to contact you about our products and services. You may unsubscribe from these communications at any time. For information on how to unsubscribe, as well as our privacy practices and commitment to protecting your privacy, please review our Privacy Policy.
Originating Service Providers Integrate Seamlessly with sVIP

Verify, Deliver, and Protect Branded Calls


Independent Vetting & Verification

Phone numbers, caller display names, logos, and call reasons are thoroughly vetted by BCID Authorized Partners (like Numeracle) to ensure caller authenticity, as the only one-stop solution that leverages independent Authorized Partners who are required to comply with industry-defined requirements.

Cross-Network Coverage & Interoperability

Trusted and secure network interoperability is the BCID ecosystem difference. Built on industry collaboration, leveraging STIR/SHAKEN standards, and using the highest level of trust-anchor security, sVIP enables the display of branded information with the greatest degree of end-to-end data integrity.

Confirmed Call Delivery Reporting

This is the only ecosystem where businesses receive a confirmation that each branded call was delivered to a consumer's phone. Authorized Partners receive detailed monthly reports of branded calling activity and enterprises only pay when the sVIP platform confirms successful delivery and display.
Enterprises signup for BCID with Onboarding Agents (like Numeracle), data is vetted and verified by a Vetting Agent (like Numeracle), Signing Agents cryptographically confirm and "sign" the call, and Terminating Service Providers deliver the authentic branded calling data to the consumer's device.
Enterprises signup for BCID with Onboarding Agents (like Numeracle), data is vetted and verified by a Vetting Agent (like Numeracle), Signing Agents cryptographically confirm and "sign" the call, and Terminating Service Providers deliver the authentic branded calling data to the consumer's device.
Find out if sVIP is right for you.
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How sVIP Benefits
Originating Service Providers

Standards Based End-to-End Security

Our solution is built on in-band, end-to-end cryptographically signed calls leveraging  STIR/SHAKEN call authentication to convey Rich Call Data (name, logo, call reason) to consumer smartphones.

Prevents Illegal Brand Spoofing

sVIP (BCID by CTIA) mitigates the risk of consumers being harmed by fraud and bad actors by relying on industry standards and rigorous vetting to deliver a trusted, branded call experience for consumers.

The Industry’s Trusted Ecosystem

The BCID ecosystem is comprised of Authorized Partners, like Numeracle, who are vetted and audited against
a set of stringent industry-driven requirements to ensure the delivery of trusted calls to  consumers.

A First-of-Its-Kind Industry Solution

Numeracle is one of the first solution providers to offer BCID through our sVIP solution, setting the standard for trusted caller identity, integrated seamlessly within our existing Entity Identity Management (EIM) Platform.
Dashboard mockupDashboard mockup

Secure, Confirmed Call Delivery

This is the only ecosystem where businesses receive a confirmation that branded call Rich Call Data was delivered. Authorized Partners receive detailed monthly reports of branded calling activity while enterprises only pay when we confirm their information was delivered.

No Downloaded Apps Necessary

Secure branded display, including caller name and logo, is rendered on mobile devices with a verification symbol, and delivery confirmation is back through the same, secure infrastructure, without requiring consumers to download an app to deliver and display.

Independently Vetted and Verified

Business telephone numbers, caller display names, logos, and call reasons are thoroughly vetted by Authorized Partners to ensure caller authenticity and legitimacy, required to comply with industry-defined best practices.

Cross-Network Coverage

Network interoperability is what makes this ecosystem different. The industry collaborated and published best practices, identifying the interoperability requirements needed to deliver a trusted end-to-end solution facilitated by a single uniform ecosystem with open standards.
Find out if sVIP is right for you.
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Frequently Asked Questions

Is this better than traditional branded calling?

While traditional branded calling allows for caller names to be displayed on calls, sVIP takes it a step further by providing a fully verified and secure identity for each call through Numeracle's partnership with CTIA.

This ensures not only branding but also the legitimacy of the caller ID information, significantly reducing the risk of spoofing and building greater consumer trust.

Do I still need Number Reputation Management with sVIP?

Yes, reputation management remains critical and a required part of onboarding for sVIP due to its rigorous vetting process.

sVIP works on top of Number Reputation Management to ensure that your brand’s phone numbers are not only verified but also consistently protected against improper labeling, spam flags, and blocked calls, helping to maintain a clean and trusted identity across the telecom ecosystem.

The good news is, Numeracle's EIM portal takes care of everything in one platform.

How does sVIP enhance trust in our brand?

sVIP provides verified, trusted caller ID information that reassures consumers about the legitimacy of the calls they receive.

By eliminating uncertainty and reducing the risk of fraud, your brand’s communication becomes more reliable, improving consumer confidence and engagement.

What are the Branded Calling ID Best Practices?

The Branded Calling ID™ Best Practices are voluntary guidelines developed by CTIA and industry stakeholders to create a transparent and interoperable display ecosystem for branded calls.

These best practices leverage industry standards to promote trust in Voice Service Provider networks and encourage self-regulation, providing security measures to protect consumers during Business to Consumer (B2C) calls.
Read best practices

Can my organization join the BCID ecosystem as an Authorized Partner?

To join the BCID ecosystem as an Authorized Partner, you will need to contact CTIA directly.

Organizations can take on key roles such as Vetting Agent, Onboarding Agent, Signing Agent, Originating Voice Service Provider (VSP), or Terminating VSP. Each role plays a crucial part in ensuring the security and trust of the branded calling service.

This open standards-driven ecosystem is designed to work best when everyone collaborates and participates, and we openly welcome new partners to help expand and strengthen the network. Reach out to CTIA today to get involved!
Contact ctia

How does Numeracle price their services?

To deliver the most competitive pricing, based on your unique outbound calling structure, we’ll need to ask a couple of questions before providing a quote. By simply sharing how many entities/brands do you represent, how many outbound numbers you use, and if you’re interested in spam labeling protection, caller ID name display, or both, we’ll be able to get you started with some pricing estimations.  

Ready for a quote? Reach out to start a conversation!
It starts with an insight
Ready to take control of how your identity is presented to consumers? 
Are you curious about how your calls are being labeled? Maybe you know you have a problem and don't know where to start?

Contact us today and take the first step towards high quality and trusted connections.