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Auto Warranty Scams Are Hurting Your Outreach

Protect Your Calls with Dealer Identity
2 min read
Written by
Team Numeracle
Published on
March 13, 2025

What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you hear “phone scam”? Debt relief? Medicare enrollment? There are plenty of contenders, but for many of us, one stands above the rest: your car’s extended warranty. These scams are surprisingly sophisticated. If you haven’t fallen for one, odds are you know someone who has.

For legitimate auto dealers, it’s a real headache. Phone calls are essential for business, whether it’s letting a customer know their car is ready, giving a repair update, or handling billing. But in 2025, hearing an auto dealer on the other end of the line often leads to an instant hang-up. That’s a problem.

It’s not just about getting ghosted. Auto dealers are at risk of being wrongly flagged as spam or scam by carrier algorithms, which can mistake legitimate outreach for scam warranty calls. If getting customers on the phone was tough before, it’s near impossible with that negative label.

So what’s the answer? Ditch phone calls and cross your fingers with email? Nope — phones are still the best way to connect with customers. But dealers need to protect their calling operations from the industry’s reputation problem.

The answer is Dealer Identity. Launched by industry leaders Numeracle and Volie, it offers an all-in-one solution to protect dealerships’ outbound calls. With Dealer Identity, dealerships can verify their identity and protect their calls from being flagged as spam, scam, or fraud — boosting the chances that customers actually pick up.

Here’s how it works. 

Don’t Let “Scam Likely” Cost You Customers

The FTC and FCC are well aware of extended auto warranty scams and have stepped in with call-blocking and labeling technologies to address consumer complaints. These systems — usually powered by third-party analytics — flag suspected scam calls with “scam likely” labels. They’re a key consumer protection tool, but far from perfect. And because legitimate auto dealers operate so close to these common scams, they often get caught in the crosshairs.

There’s a chance your calls are being delivered with these labels and you don’t even know it.

This creates several big challenges for dealers: How do you know if your calls are being mislabeled? And what can you do about it?

That’s where an all-in-one Dealer Identity solution comes in. It gives you full visibility into your outbound calls and provides the registration and remediation tools needed to keep your numbers label-free.

First, Dealer Identity verifies that you’re the sole authorized user of your phone numbers and registers them with major wireless carriers. This blocks bad actors from spoofing your numbers and tells carriers your calls originate from a legitimate business. 

Then, Dealer Identity provides continuous, real-time monitoring of your call status. If a call gets wrongly flagged with a negative label, the remediation team jumps in — often resolving the issue before you even notice a problem.

Try Dealer Identity Today

Some businesses can afford to ditch phone calls — auto dealers can’t. Whether it’s scheduling service, arranging a pickup, or chasing a bill, the most direct route to your customer is still their cellphone. That’s what makes it especially frustrating that no industry has been hit harder by scam-related call blocking.

In 2025, auto dealers need to do everything they can to keep their outbound calls reaching customers. Dealer Identity makes it simple.

Register your numbers. Keep them label-free. Get customers on the phone. Try Dealer Identity by Numeracle and Volie today. 

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