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Call Labeling’s Latest Disruption: the Remote Conference Solution Call Back

When “Potential Spam” invites you to join a conference call…
2 min read
Written by
Molly Weis, VP of Marketing
Published on
April 21, 2020

As many of us transition to work from home life, the need to shift meetings from in-person to virtual is one of the first tasks many organizations faced. The good news is that there are plenty of great remote conference solution platforms, most with very handy features to make setting up and joining conference calls a breeze.

Many of us choose to join virtual meetings via phone, either because we’re moving around, in the car, or to avoid potentially spotty audio quality from the computer’s built-in hardware. Joining via phone couldn’t be easier, as these platforms often offer a “call me” feature, allowing you to completely bypass manually dialing the always-changing phone number in favor of receiving a call back directly on your mobile device to enter the meeting.

However, nothing is more jarring when you’re expecting your immediate ring back to join your teleconference and “Potential Spam” calls you instead.

We’ve seen this happen frequently lately, across multiple top-rated conference solution providers. In those few seconds after you hit the “call me” button, suddenly “Potential Spam,” “Spam Risk,” or the equivalent calls you instead.

You pause to ask yourself, “Is this my virtual meeting calling me to join, or is this a potentially harmful robocall calling me instead?”

Most of the time, this call is actually your conference calling you to join the audio portion of the meeting, but it’s that shadow of doubt cast by the improper labeling of this call as “Spam” that disrupts the seamless entry to the meeting.

The effects on brand reputation and consumer trust can further dissolve from there. You may find yourself or your meeting participants starting to doubt the platform based on the first impression you’ve received with your “Spam” call back.

“What are they doing with these phone numbers that’s causing this negative call labeling. Can I really trust this conference provider? Is this meeting safe for me to join?” … and so on.

In most cases, this negative labeling is the result of false positives generated by call blocking and labeling analytics in use across the major wireless carriers. The requested “call me” calls are not “Spam” — yet when labeled as such, are called into question.

The improper labeling of these call-back phone numbers is a very real-life example of how damaging improper call blocking and labeling can be on day-to-day business operations for almost any industry. This would be particularly true if the analytics falsely classified these calls as “Scam” calls (instead of “Spam”) and blocked them by default. In those instances, those “call me” calls would never ring. Talk about starting your meeting off on the wrong foot!

If you are wondering whether your outbound calls are also labeled improperly as “Spam” or “Scam” across the wireless ecosystem get in touch with us today.

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