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Restoring Confidence to Outbound Calling

How utilized Numeracle to improve the integrity of its business communications.
2 min read
Written by, Testimonial Letter
Published on
January 28, 2021

At, telesales plays a crucial role in our business. Trust, legitimacy, and transparency are all vital elements when business is conducted over the phone. Our company does not utilize robocalls, and every one of our phone calls is connected to a live, American-based representative. The appearance of phone numbers, how they are displayed, and how they are perceived by the consumer is as vital to telesales as the location, layout, and aesthetics of a retail store.  

Over the years, as our business has grown, we have continued to increase the amount of phone numbers that we utilize. We own hundreds of telephone numbers now, and each of these phone numbers has a unique history that is not known upon purchase. If some of these phone numbers were used by less reputable companies in the past, then that negative history is transferred and reflected to the new, unaware owner going forward.

Any stigma, whether that be robocalls, fraud alerts, spam, and/or scams, undermines the integrity of the business and/or the person attached to that phone number.

Initially, we were not aware that some of our phone numbers were being flagged as “Spam” and/or “Spam Likely” when reaching out to our Medicare Insurance clients. When our established clients started mentioning this to our employees, we would ask which telephone carrier they utilized. Over time, we narrowed our issues to two specific phone carriers. We reached out to these carriers, explained our business and that we are a legitimate business; regardless, our phone numbers were still flagged and nothing was corrected. The same phone numbers still had the previous owner’s stigma attached; this was extremely frustrating.

Roughly two years ago, we encountered Numeracle by happen-stance. Their service was new to us at the time, but it seemed that their expertise in this niche would be a perfect fit. Once Numeracle established as a “Verified Identity,” things began to move rather quickly. They immediately identified the exact phone numbers that were being flagged by the various carriers, which level of stigma was attached to specific phone numbers, and Numeracle provided solutions/suggestions to remedy our issues.

Now that our initial phone number issues have been corrected and/or removed, Numeracle continues to monitor the integrity for all of our phone numbers. We receive reports, newsletters, and now have confidence in every telephone number that we currently own or procure.

Thank you, Numeracle, for living up to your presale promises. Your service is a necessity to any telesales based business.

With Sincerity,
Constantine Christoforakis

This testimonial was provided to Numeracle by as part of a continuous improvement client engagement program. To learn more about, please visit

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