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That’s a Wrap on Tuesday Talks Season One

Our Last Episode Recaps this Year’s Highlights & Explores Emerging Communications Channels
1 min read
Written by
Mary Gonzalez, Brand & Content Manager
Published on
November 19, 2021

Earlier this year, Numeracle’s Founder and CEO, Rebekah Johnson, and Chief Product Officer, Anis Jaffer, decided they needed to share the insights of their one-on-one meetings with the rest of the industry, and thus began the Tuesday Talks live podcast series. In an attempt to shed light and bring truth to emerging topics in the communications industry, they invited 10 expert guest speakers and explored relevant topics ranging from the regulatory impacts of STIR/SHAKEN, branded calling technologies, call spoofing, the challenges of cross-border call delivery, and so much more.

Podcast Metrics

At its season finale episode, the podcast wrapped up with a recap of the highlights of this year, including the June 30th STIR/SHAKEN implementation deadline and Robocall Mitigation Database, the proof of concepts Numeracle was involved in to support the use of delegate certificates for call signing, and the introduction and impacts of out-of-band branded calling solutions. The episode ended in anticipation of next year’s progress in emerging communications channels such as Verified SMS and messaging and Verified Email spaces, which they predict will be a new focus as Spam and robotexts move into other communications channels.

We’d like to thank everyone for joining us every other week for our live viewings, tuning in to our episodes, and for your ongoing support and participation in recommending topics and submitting your questions to us. We hope to keep this momentum going in the new year and bring in new topics and expert guest speakers to keep you informed and up-to-date on the latest industry news and technologies. If you have suggestions, questions, or would like to be a speaker on the show, reach out to us at

Tuesday Talks will be back next year to pick up on Season Two, but in the meantime, you can continue to enjoy our past episodes, including our Collections that have been grouped by theme for easier listening on the go. Listen to the finale or visit all of Season One our website, SoundCloud, or Youtube to listen and be sure to check out these top trending episodes:

RCD: Utilizing Rich Call Data to Present Brand Identity; Podcast Episode
Spoofing What it is, what threats does it pose, and what's being done about it; Podcast Episode
Cross-Border Call Delivery Challenges Part 1; Podcast Episode
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