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A Meeting of the Anti-Robocall Minds: SIPNOC 2018

We attended SIPNOC 2018, the SIP Forum’s “SIP Network Operators Conference," last week. Here's what we thought.
1 min read
Written by
Molly Weis, VP Marketing & Communications
Published on
December 18, 2018

Last week, Numeracle attended SIPNOC 2018, the SIP Forum’s “SIP Network Operators Conference.” The SIP Forum is an industry association made up of the leading IP communications companies and industry stakeholders engaged in driving high level technical directives. The SIPNOC conference is traditionally well attended by telecom service providers, the international carrier community, wireless network operators, technology innovators, communications, government and regulatory representatives, and more, and this year was no exception.

New to this event was the very topical addition of a “Robocall Summit.” As described by the SIP Forum:

“This session was specifically developed for industry stakeholders in the Robocall elimination/mitigation ecosystem, including service providers seeking to deploy new solutions, governmental regulators and agencies, equipment manufacturers, enterprise and government agency contact centers, application providers and data analytics firms.”

Naturally, this was the place to be for Numeracle!

The Voice Channel Must Be Preserved

As ATIS/SIP Forum IP-NNI Joint Task Force members and active advocates for the Enterprise Communications industry, we have been working together with key industry stakeholders to preserve the validity of the voice channel through the conception, design, development and deployment of a solution to solve the problem of illegal robocalls across the ecosystem.

Check out our video summary below for highlights from last week’s event, insights into the future of call authentication, and advice for legal enterprise callers facing the negative consequences of improper call blocking and labeling, presented by Numeracle Founder & CEO, Rebekah Johnson.

As the industry continues to advance in technologies and protocols to protect both consumers and legal call originators, Numeracle would love to hear from you and bring your unique perspective, experience and position to light. To find out how you can get a seat at the table for these vital discussions affecting the future of the voice channel, get in touch.

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