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Call Labeling Benchmark Report

The Perception of Collections Industry Phone Numbers Across the Call Blocking & Labeling Ecosystem
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Consumer Relations Consortium (CRC) Call Labeling Benchmark Report

The Perception of Collections Industry Phone Numbers Across the Call Blocking & Labeling Ecosystem

about this study

In response to the increasing prevalence of improper call blocking and labeling experienced across the Collections industry negatively impacting right party contact rates, Numeracle partnered with the Consumer Relations Consortium (CRC) to conduct a Benchmark Study.

This study set out to examine the impact of call blocking and labeling on a cross-section of participating member organizations within the CRC to identify strategies to improve caller ID presentation across this industry.

The Study, Analysis, & Conclusions


Risk Ratings

Five Consumer Relations Consortium member organizations were selected for volunteer participation in this Benchmark Study. Participant companies ranged in size from small privately-held businesses to large publicly-traded entities.
Call blocking and labeling data included in the analysis was representative of risk rating perception across analytics companies representing multiple wireless service providers, plus a selection of independent 3rd party apps.



Based on this data, nearly half of the phone numbers examined were at risk for improper call blocking and labeling. Phone numbers were erroneously classified in the SCAM and SPAM categories, inclusive of data averaged across multiple call blocking and labeling analytics sources, representing both the wireless service provider and 3rd party app ecosystem.
Individual organization risk ratings ranged from 27% to 75% of all numbers improperly listed in SCAM and SPAM categories. All organizations experienced some form of subsequent incorrect caller ID labeling. Recommendations included reconsidering volume patterns, usage of phone numbers across business departments, and dialing consistency.
numeracle's findings
Summary of Results
45% of examined phone numbers were in the ‘severe’ to ‘high’ risk categories based on data averaged across multiple call blocking and labeling analytics sources, representing both the wireless service provider and 3rd party app ecosystem. 'Severe,' for the purposes of this study, corresponds to the Scam/Fraud labeling classification, while 'high' corresponds to Spam labeling.
get the crc benchmark report
this benchmark study made possible by the crc

About the Consumer Relations Consortium

The Consumer Relations Consortium (CRC) is a membership group for forward-thinking creditors, technology providers, larger collection agencies, and law firms.

The CRC provides a forum for a select group of senior technology, strategy, operations and compliance executives to shape understanding of the BIG technology issues redefining collections, and to collaborate on solutions.

This Benchmark Study was conducted as part of the group’s continuous efforts to innovate and progress the initiatives of the Collections industry. To learn more about the CRC, visit

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