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STIR/SHAKEN for Enterprise & BPO

STIR/SHAKEN is the responsibility of your service provider. As an enterprise, contact center, or BPO, find out what you still need to do for healthy number reputation.
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Post June 30th STIR/SHAKEN IMPlementation Deadline

STIR/SHAKEN Doesn't Fix Wrong Call Labels

The June 30th STIR/SHAKEN implementation deadline may have passed, but that does not mean it has solved spam labeling for you.

Do you still have 'Spam' labels appearing on your calls? Not sure why they're still there?

Your relationship with STIR/SHAKEN
  • The aim of STIR/SHAKEN is to confirm the origination of the identity and number behind phone calls, not their intent. This means that it will not fix all improper labeling issues for you.
  • Your service provider is responsible for to validating the traffic originating on their networks to comply with STIR/SHAKEN

Entity Identity ManagementTM Is The Answer
To Your Incorrect Call Labels

To correct 'Scam' or 'Spam' labels from appearing on your calls, implement our Entity Identity ManagementTM solution including Verified Identity and Number Reputation.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know this is right for me?

Partnering with Aegis Mobile, we support service and platform provider’s ability to assess the level of attestation achievable based on the availability of information to vet and verify down to the enterprise or calling party brand, with confidence.
Get Started

My carrier completed STIR/SHAKEN. Why are my calls still labeled?

External to the STIR/SHAKEN call authentication framework are 3rd party algorithms deployed at the wireless carrier level which are known as call reputation analytics. These analytics have been deployed across mobile networks since late 2017 and are responsible for calls labeled as “Potential Spam,” “Spam,” “Scam,” “Scam Likely,” “Fraud Alert,” etc.

These technologies will continue to be deployed in parallel with STIR/SHAKEN, so if you’re hearing reports from your agents that your calls are ringing through as a “Spam” or equivalent, this is due to reputational analytics, not STIR/SHAKEN.

Numeracle can help clean up your number reputation and addressing phone numbers labeled as 'Scam' or 'Spam'.

Will STIR/SHAKEN stop all robocalls?

While STIR/SHAKEN will help identify harmful robocalls, it will not completely eliminate all illegal robocalls for good. It's important to note that not all robocalls are bad. Many legitimate companies communicate all sorts of information via 'robocalls’ especially automated communications such as appointment reminders, delivery notifications, school closures, etc.

While the STIR/SHAKEN framework allows authentication of call originators and their numbers, it is not a silver bullet solution and it cannot determine the illegitimacy or legitimacy of the intent of an incoming call. It can validate that an incoming call is originating from a real phone number, which is not being 'made up' or stolen from a legitimate business, organization, or consumer.

The STIR/SHAKEN framework does not have the ability to weigh in on whether or not the content of the call itself is potentially malicious or unwanted, making call blocking and labeling analytics are still relevant despite the framework.

What does "calls with a checkmark have been verified by the carrier" mean?

Calls that display a checkmark at the time of call or in the call history log represent the establishment of the caller as a legal and verified calling party confirmed via STIR/SHAKEN. The identity of the caller has been vetted and validated and you can trust that the caller is who they say they are and the number hasn't been illegally spoofed.

Will Numeracle's Platform take care of STIR/SHAKEN for me?

While the Platform itself does not ‘attest’ or ‘sign’ calls, it can be used by service and platform providers to implement a local policy solution to manage the verification of calling identity and the authorization of phone numbers in order to elevate an enterprise brand into the STIR/SHAKEN framework.

How does Numeracle price their services?

Pricing for Identify Verification and Number Reputation starts with us gaining an understanding into your calling structure. How many entities/brands do you represent, how many numbers do you use, etc.

To learn more about pricing for branded calling capabilities, reach out to start a conversation!
It starts with an insight
Ready to take control of how your identity is presented to consumers? 
Are you curious about how your calls are being labeled? Maybe you know you have a problem and don't know where to start?

Contact us today and take the first step towards high quality and trusted connections.