Via Electronic Filing
Ms. Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, S.W.
Washington D.C., 20554
Dear Ms. Dortch:
On Monday, June 8, 2020, Rebekah Johnson, CEO of Numeracle, Inc., Doug Ranalli, Founder and Chief Strategy Officer of NetNumber, Inc. met via teleconference with Jerusha Burnett, Kurt Schroeder, Aaron Garza and Mark Stone of the Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau regarding the above referenced dockets.
We discussed how service providers will comply with the TRACED Act’s authenticate caller ID requirement. To authenticate caller identification information through SHAKEN, the originating voice service provider will determine which of the three attestation levels it will assign to the call. The SHAKEN standards for assigning attestation level requires the originating voice service provider to determine the identity of the calling party and its authorization for use of the number before determining whether to assign A, B or C. Based on SHAKEN standards, the originating service provider will establish a rigorous policy to identify the entity of the caller and authorization for the use of the number to sign with A attestation. Due to the available data in the current standard, the industry expects a flood of legal enterprise calls to be downgraded to a C level attestation.
After reviewing the attestation levels, we compared and contrasted two proposed solutions for elevating signing to A level attestations for enterprises through Delegated Certificate and Central Telephone Number Database (Central Database) from the ATIS SIP Forum IPNNI Joint Task Force, Study of Full Attestation Alternatives for Enterprises.
Utilizing either the Central Database or Delegate Certificate, the originating service provider can access the number and identity information to provide A level attestation. Both approaches advocate for a “Know You Customer” (KYC) process on the identity of the caller and a process for the authorized use of the telephone number.
While decisions in the industry have not been made regarding the use of attestation levels by analytics providers of call blocking and labeling, we anticipate STIR/SHAKEN will influence call treatment. We asked the FCC to encourage rigorous policies for voice service providers to obtain reliable, traceable and secure enterprise vetted data for signing with A-Level attestation. We believe the spirit of the TRACED Act demands that enterprise customers who originate calls be vetted before receiving A-level attestation and identified accurately on a call-by-call basis so that accurate traceback can be performed. The information obtained in this rigorous vetting process should be transferable and highly trusted by the end subscriber.
Respectfully submitted,
Rebekah Johnson, CEO
Numeracle, Inc.
McLean, VA
Cc (via email)
Jerusha Burnett
Kurt Schroeder
Aaron Garza
Mark Stone