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Analytics Engines Update Call Intent & Identity Display for Incoming Calls

Don’t Panic: It only impacts a selection of calls meeting specific criteria
3 min read
Written by
Molly Weis, VP of Marketing & Comms
Mary Gonzalez, Brand & Content Manager
Published on
November 11, 2022

Recent changes made by the carrier-partnered analytics engines have caused an increase in calls with clean reputation now being displayed with the ‘call intent’ category instead of displaying a caller name or phone number (with no name). 

Call Intent was defined in the FCC Robocall Strike Force Report published on October 26, 2016. Numeracle’s founder and CEO, Rebekah Johnson, was one of the authors of the call intent categories. 

While these categories have been around for years, a change in protocol through the analytics provider or the carrier has caused an increase in the display of these labels in the last 90 days.

What it looks like now

When the carrier ecosystem doesn’t know who you are (by name), in some cases, they have begun to display the intent of your calls to provide greater transparency into who is calling.

When analytics providers register phone numbers, one of the registration fields is the call intent. If you use a phone number to make sales calls, ‘Telemarketing’ is call intent assigned to those calls. If you are making calls to remind patients about a doctor’s appointment, ‘Healthcare’ is the assigned call intent.

(Image 1): This is a real screenshot of the updated call display, which now presents a “Healthcare” call intent label for the incoming phone call received on iOS 15.5 on the Verizon network.
(Image 2): This is a real screenshot of the updated call display, which now presents a “Telemarketer” call intent label for the incoming phone call received on an Android Galaxy device on the AT&T network. The phone number has been changed to protect the caller’s identity.

What does this mean for Number Reputation?

Terminating carriers and call analytics agents handle call intents differently than call reputation labels like Scam, Scam Likely, Potential Spam, or Fraud. The main difference is that solution providers can remediate these warning labels. Since the new update, carriers have yet to offer remediation or the ability to change call intent labels. 

Number reputation and call intent are not related.

Impact on Call Delivery

This update does not impact every call, on every number, across every device and network, every time. So far, the display of call intent has proven to be situational and inconsistent.

The analytics engines pushing data to the terminating service providers didn’t display this call intent field in the past unless users had explicitly turned on the display for it, depending on the network and device-level apps installed. With the recent updates, the call intent label is displayed in some cases in lieu of the caller name if a caller name can’t be referenced from a CNAM database. 

Call intent labels could cause issues for legal callers with clean number reputation whose customers, subscribers, patients, etc., may be confused by the new display of the call intent label (where displayed) and unsure of whether or not to answer. 

The carrier is responsible for name display. There is currently no methodology to determine precisely which numbers have, or might be, delivered with intent labeling. 

This does not impact subscribers of Numeracle’s Smart BrandingTM solution.

What to do: Focus on the Name Display

Thus far, this has impacted a relatively small number of Numeracle customers, but should you be affected, we recommend the following courses of action:

  • Please contact your originating service provider to request a CNAM update for the number in question.
  • Updating CNAM has been shown to replace the intent label with the business name
  • Make sure your dialer is out-pulsing your business name wherever possible

Numeracle is actively engaged with our terminating carrier and analytics network for updates or changes to this new configuration to improve transparency and control over where and when intent categories may be displayed in lieu of caller name or phone number (minus name). 

Looking for more?

Numeracle customers experiencing this problem are encouraged to submit a support request ticket at

Non-Numeracle customers may submit a contact request, and we’d be happy to provide insights and recommendations based on your current call display strategy.

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