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Identity: The Key to Owning Brand Reputation and Caller Identity
Applying KYC practices to outbound dialing and identity management to protect and enhance your call outcomes to a higher level
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Numeracle has a dedicated Know Your Customer (KYC) team with industry-leading experts that have presented to the FCC, FTC, State Attorneys General, and industry organizations on KYC practices. Join Sarah Delphey, VP of Numeracle Trust Solutions, to learn how you can apply our standard-setting Verified Identity process within your organization.

We’ll discuss the importance of security, ensuring your business has the gold standard in identity verification and can be certain that it is doing everything possible to support the reputation and delivery of its calls. 

Discover how applying KYC practices to your outbound dialing and management of your identity for communications can help you get an edge over your competitors who may choose to do the bare minimum and face delays, duplicate asks, and additional disruptions to their businesses you can avoid. Walk away with practical tips to take advantage of KYC to welcome new opportunities to protect and enhance your call outcomes to a higher level.

syllabus Takeaways
  • Know Your Customer (KYC) for communications to enhance call outcomes
  • Needs & expectations for caller identity and establishing trust
  • Why KYC for TCPA, TSR, and the TRACED Act
  • Enhance security, consistency, and risk mitigation
  • Avoid suits, fines, or blocked calls with KYC

Sarah Delphey

With a decade of experience in risk mitigation and customer policy creation, Sarah is an industry expert in trust solutions through her enhanced Know Your Customer (KYC) toolsets to drive digital identity innovation to enhance trust in customer communications. She works with enterprises, carriers, service providers, and industry organization to find and build scalable solutions for validating identity in communications.

Sarah has a rich background leading fraud and risk teams in driving overall fraud and risk management strategies and customer lifecycle management. Through her leadership on these teams, she helped create and manage usage policies and implementation strategies to ensure the legal and ethical services to ensure compliance with industry standards and regulations while promoting customer growth and innovation. Her work in support of the delivery of compliant traffic to minimize scam/spam or noncompliant messaging traffic and efforts to build trusted voice  solutions give her the expertise to recommend KYC best practices for identity vetting and call authentication.

It starts with an insight
Ready to take control of how your identity is presented to consumers? 
Are you curious about how your calls are being labeled? Maybe you know you have a problem and don't know where to start?

Contact us today and take the first step towards high quality and trusted connections.